SCTC’s Virtual Series is a Smash!
When the SCTC Staff heard there would be no “in person” awards ceremony they decided to work together to create a Four Part Facebook live video series to show the students how much they mean to them and honor their success of completing the program.
Each night offered a different set of successes. Night One, Celebrated SCTC Student Organizations. Night Two featured the Program Leader Awards and honored students who received Perfect Attendance for the year. Night Three showcased the Director honoring each programs “Student of the Year Nominee” and then the big reveal of the 2020 SCTC Student of the Year.
The final and Fourth Night of Facebook Live’s took place on May 21, on what would have been the Center’s Live “in person” Final Awards Ceremony held in the SAHS Gym. But, in high quality CTE fashion the school held an amazing “zoom” style virtual Final Awards Ceremony that showcased guest speakers presenting over $27,000 scholarships and each instructor then recognized their students each by name.
The SCTC Class of 2020 were truly honored in an unforgettable (for more then one reason) Ceremony….
This series is now available on the Center’s Facebook Page, Youtube Channel and Website.
—- —– Youtube @ SCTCMAINE —- —-